Sunday, April 22, 2007

Torture Of Humans

Is Torture really justifiable in this new age where everyone appreciates the laws of human right?

In my opinion, it is barbaric and savage to ever have to resort to torture. My dictionary has no mention of a truly evil man who is past redemption. Even terrorists are humans. They deserve to be treated in a way similar to any normal human.

I salute the FBI's effort in taking a humane way of investigation that have proven to be quite successful given time. The example has also shown me some of the reasons as to why terrorists carry their wave of death-They are indoctrinated to think the West are absolute enemies, that they were be slaughtered if they ever land into the enemy's hand. Thats why they would surprised to find out that their "enemies" are actually treating them with care. Truth is, most terrorists weren't born to be carriers of the Grim Ripper's will. Most of them just want to have a family and live life peacefully. However, the countries they lived in imposed such a strong censorship on media that they are deprived of Western media thus making them easy targets for other misguided souls A.K.A terrorists.

The second article was thought provoking though as it almost swung me to the side of torture being needed to employ. The defendant support his stand by providing examples of critical situations in which he feel torture is justifiable-A race against time to rescue a girl, or a hostage in the hands of a hostile Islamic Militant Group. Its funny how this people, the advocates of torture failed to realize that the the terrorists in custody is also human. By torturing them, we are in fact no worse then the terrorists. Aren't we the champions of democracy, free will and human rights? Must we sink that low in order to defeat the threat?

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